LED Light Therapy FAQs

  • Celluma is a light that provides energy to help compromised cells regenerate naturally. The light is absorbed within different parts of your cells resulting in an increased production of collagen, elastin & blood circulation and a decrease of inflammation.

    Light Emitting Diode (LED) phototherapy is the application of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits. The energy is used to improve cellular performance. Phototherapy is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and has a variety of applications across many medical fields. Research has shown that phototherapy can: increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, kill acne bacteria, decrease inflammation, improve skin tone, texture and clarity.

    Blue, red and near-infrared are the most commonly used wavelengths in LED phototherapy. These specific wavelengths are well researched and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits. Blue penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill P.acnes bacteria. Red penetrates into the dermal layer and has been shown to enhance collagen and elastin production through photo-biostimulation of fibroblasts. Near-infrared penetrates deepest and increases micro-circulation (tissue repair), decreases inflammation and attenuates pain.

    The technology embedded in Celluma was developed by NASA.

  • That will always depend on your specific skin type, skin concerns, and lifestyle.

    For maximum benefit, a 30-minute treatment is recommended 2-3x a week for 4-16 weeks, depending on the results we are trying to achieve.

    I offer two different LED Facial Series:

    Anti-Aging (2-3x week, 12-16 weeks) / Acne (2-3x week, 4-8 weeks)

    Information on both can be found here, or contact me (805) 556-5288

  • No, there is little or no sensation, Celluma helps tissue heal naturally from the inside out.